Pentecost Sunday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY,  that is right if you are a baptized catholic today is your birthday. When we think about the church most of us think about the pope, the bishops or the priests, but today's gospels remind us we are the church and we are all being sent. Today is a big feast in the church because today we celebrate the birthday of the church.
What we see today is the powerful transformation the Holy Spirit can have if we are just open to it, we see the apostles locked in a room and scared of the jews, these are the same apostles that saw Jesus resurrect Lazaros, that lived and follow Jesus for over three years, that saw Jesus resurrect from the dead and yet they are still afraid.
We see Jesus once again as he truly is, bringing peace his traditional resurrection phrase "peace be with you" follow by a command that we are still ask to do "As the father has sent me, so I sent you" as he breathed into the hem and told them "Receive the Holy Spirit" we see a remarkable transformation, the scared apostles become fearless preachers willing to lay their lives for the gospel , we also as baptized christians catholics we are also called to propagate the good news.
As we celebrate the feast of Pentecost today, let's open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and let us be driven by Jesus fire to preach the good news in our workplaces, with our families, with those less fortunates and with anyone we become in contact with.
Herbert Melendez


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